It's amazing outside! 65 degrees and sunny....SO much better than yesterday's 35 and raining! I'd much rather 75, but I'll take what I can get ;-) I can't wait to sit on the playground and let the kids go wild! It's been way too long since we've been able to play outside. Waaaayyy too long!
What are you going to do on this beautiful day?!
I'm getting back into the swing of my crafting after a MAJOR organizing month! I gutted closets, donated bags and bags of clothes, and bought Target out of baskets and giant plastic bins. I decided to get my Spring Cleaning done early so I can actually enjoy the Spring! I always feel like it goes by too quickly and I don't get to enjoy the warm...before the HEAT returns. So this year, I've cleaned, I've organized, and now I'm ready to spend my evenings sitting outside with an iced tea and a good book.
I have been mildly obsessed with covered buttons this week. I have been trying all different ribbons, fabrics, and laces. Pete's probably super sick of my scraps by now. hehe What a patient man.
The Pretty in Pink earrings below are actually made from some fabric left over from our wedding decorations.

And I have a pair of the Tiffany Blues on right now!
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